(English version) South Korea Exclusive Economic Zone Act No. 5151, Promulgated on 8 August 1996
Country: South Korea
Scope: National
Document Language: English
- Summary
This legal document contains South Korea Exclusive Economic Zone Act No. 5151, promulgated on 8 August 1996. This Act, in conformity with the 1982 UNCLOS, claims a 200-nautical mile EEZ measured from the baseline mentioned in Article 2 of the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Act . This Act also includes the sovereign rights, jurisdiction, and other rights of the ROK in their EEZ as well as the rights and duties of other states within the ROK’s EEZ.
Notably, while Article 2.2 implies that the EEZ delimitation with states with adjacent or oppositie coast shall be agreed based on international law, Article 5.2 states that “The rights of the Republic of Korea in the exclusive economic zone … shall not be exercised in the area of the sea beyond the [equidistant] median line between the Republic of Korea and the State concerned. This implies that the preferred delimitation regime of the ROK is the method of equidistance. Nevertheless, this method has not been ruled as a customary international law as in the case of the North Sea continental shelf delimitation/