(English version) Resolution A.375(X) on 14 November 1977 on Navigation through the Strait of Malacca and Singapore
Sea: South China Sea, Andaman Sea
Scope: International
Document Language: English
- Summary
This legal document contains the English version of Resolution A.375 on 14 November 1977 on Navigation through the Strait of Malacca and Singapore. This Resolution is an international agreement adopted by the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization*. The document includes specific traffic separation schemes for the One Fathom Bank (annex I), for the Singapore Strait (Annex II), and for the Horsburgh Light Area (Annex III). Annex IV of the Resolution provides deep water routes forming part of the eastbound traffic lane of the traffic separation scheme in the Singapore Strait. Annex V includes rules for vessels navigating through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. Finally, Annex VI states the list of navigational aids to be installed or improved.
This Resolution A.375(X) would be amended by Resolution A.476(XII) on 19 November 1981.
*The Inter-Governmental Consultative Maritime Organization was formally established at an international conference in Geneva in 1948. SInce 1982, it has been renamed to Inter-Governmental Maritime Organization.
- Document: Resolution A.375(X) on 14 November 1977 on Navigation through the Strait of Malacca and Singapore (English version, adopted from the IMO/ICMO)
- Amended by: Resolution A.476(XII) on 19 November 1981 on Navigation through the Strait of Malacca and Singapore