The Philippines’ A Partial Submission of Data and Information on the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf of the Republic of the Philippines in respect of the Benham Rise (2 July 2024)

Country: The Philippines

Scope: International

  • Summary

This legal document contains the Executive Summary of the Philippines’s Partial Submission of Data and Information on the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf of the Republic of the Philippines beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the Benham Rise Region eastern to Luzon Island, submitted on 2 July 2012.

Notably, Section 3.3 clarifies that this Partial Submission “does not in any manner prejudice the position of any coastal state.”, but seeks to “to avoid creating or provoking maritime boundary disputes where there are none, or exacerbating them where they may exist.” Section 6 of this document includes the map and coordinates of the outer edge of the continental margin beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the Benham Rise Region eastern to Luzon Island.

Since 16 May 2017, the Benham Rise has been renamed the Philippine Rise, which shall be used in local and international charts and maps.