(English version) Memorandum of Understanding between Indonesia and Australia concerning the Implementation of a Provisional Fisheries Surveillance and Enforcement Arrangement on 29 October 1981

Country: Indonesia, Australia

Sea: Timor Sea

Scope: Bilateral

Document Language: English

  • Summary

This legal document contains the English version of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia concerning the Implementation of a Provisional Fisheries Surveillance and Enforcement Arrangement signed on 29 October 1981.

This MoU concludes with the establishment of a Provisional Fisheries Surveillance and Enforcement line in the Timor Sea where the 200-Nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zones of the two countries overlap. Notably, Article 6 clarifies that “this arrangement is provisional in nature … and does not affect the limits of the 200-nautical mile [exclusive economic] zones established by either country.”