The Philippines’ A Partial Submission of Data and Information on the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf of the Republic of the Philippines in respect of the Benham Rise (2 July 2024)

  • Summary

This legal document contains the Executive Summary of the Philippines's Partial Submission of Data and Information on the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf of the Republic of the Philippines beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the Benham Rise Region eastern to Luzon Island, submitted on 2 July 2012.

Notably, Section 3.3 clarifies that this Partial Submission "does not in any manner prejudice the position of any coastal state.", but seeks to "to avoid creating or provoking maritime boundary disputes where there are none, or exacerbating them where they may exist." Section 6 of this document includes the map and coordinates of the outer edge of the continental margin beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the Benham Rise Region eastern to Luzon Island.

Since 16 May 2017, the Benham Rise has been renamed the Philippine Rise, which shall be used in local and international charts and maps.

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(VNM-C) Vietnam’s Partial Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Respect of the Central Area (Executive Summary)


This legal document contains the Executive Summary of Vietnam's submission to the CLCS regarding the information on the limits of Vietnam's continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in the Central area of the South China Sea (marked as VNM-C), submitted on July 17th, 2024. This submission was made fifteen years after the country's partial submission in the northern region of the South China Sea (VNM-N) and Joint submission between Malaysia and Vietnam in the southern part of the South China Sea (VNM-S). The area subjected in this partial document is illustrated in Figure 1 (p.4) attached below.

Noticeably, on the cover of the submission, the year of submission is indicated as "2009," which suggests that Vietnam implies this partial submission is a continuation to the previous two submissions made by the country in 2009.

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(English version) ASEAN Agreement on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Cooperation, published on January 2023

  • Summary

This legal document contains ASEAN Agreement on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Cooperation, published on January 2023.

This new Agreement is pending ratification of ASEAN member states, after which it shall replace the 2010 ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in Search and Rescue of Persons and Vessels in Distress at Sea.

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(English version) 2010 ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in Search and Rescue of Persons and Vessels in Distress at Sea, 27 October 2010

  • Summary

This legal document contains the 2010 ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in Search and Rescue of Persons and Vessels in Distress at Sea, adopted on 27 October 2010.

This ASEAN Declaration shall be followed and replaced by the new ASEAN Agreement on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Cooperation, published in January 2023 and pending ASEAN's member states ratification.

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(English version) IMO Navigation Rules at Straits of Malacca and Singapore, 14 November 1977

  • Summary

This legal document contains Resolution A.375(X) of the International Maritime Organization/IMO (at the time named Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization), adopted on 14 November 1977.  This Resolution is also known as IMO Navigation Rules at Straits of Malacca and Singapore.

The Resolution includes, inter alia, coordinates constituting the separation zones and traffic lanes in the two straits, rules for vessels navigating through the two straits, and a list of navigational aids to be installed or improved.

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(English version) Thailand Royal Proclamation establishing the Contiguous Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand, 14 August 1995

  • Summary

This legal document contains Thailand's Royal Proclamation establishing the Contiguous Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand, proclaimed on 14 August 1995

This document establishes Thailand's contiguous zone, whose breadth is 24 nautical miles measured from the baseline used for measuring Thailand's territorial sea. The document also states, inter alia, Thailand's laws and regulations in its contiguous zone.

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(English version) Thailand Proclamation establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand in the Andaman Sea, 18 July 1988

  • Summary

This legal document contains Thailand's Proclamation establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand in the Andaman Sea, proclaimed on 18 July 1988.

This document provides the specific coordinates of the points constituting the outer limit of Thailand's Exclusive Economic Zone in the Andaman Sea, where Thailand has concluded three bilateral delimitation treaties with India, Indonesia, and Myanmar and two trilateral delimitation treaties with India & Indonesia and India & Myanmar.

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(English version) Thailand Proclamation establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand adjacent to the Exclusive Economic Zone of Malaysia in the Gulf of Thailand, 18 February 1988

  • Summary

This legal document contains Thailand's Proclamation establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand adjacent to the Exclusive Economic Zone of Malaysia in the Gulf of Thailand, proclaimed on 18 February 1988.

This document provides the specific coordinates of the points constituting the outer limit of Thailand's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) adjacent to Malaysia's EEZ in the Gulf of Thailand.  Point 1 and 2 in this Proclamation is also the two points constituting the line delimiting the territorial sea of the two countries in Article II (1) of the Thailand-Malaysia territorial sea delimitation treaty in 1979

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(English version) Thailand Royal Proclamation establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand, 23 February 1981

  • Summary

This legal document contains Thailand's Royal Proclamation establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand, proclaimed on 23 February 1981.

This document establishes the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Kingdom of Thailand, which extends to 200 nautical miles in breadth, measured from the outer limit of Thailand's Baseline used to measure the territorial sea. The Proclamation includes inter alia, Thailand's sovereign rights, jurisdictions, and rights as well as the rights of other states in Thailand's EEZ in accordance with international law.

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(English version) Thailand Announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister concerning the Straight Baselines and Internal Waters of Thailand, 17 August 1992

  • Summary

This legal document contains Thailand's Announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister concerning the Straight Baselines and Internal Waters of Thailand, 17 August 1992.

This document establishes a fourth area (Area IV) with the proclamation to straight baseline in addition to the previous three areas (Area I, II, III) provided in the 12 June 1970 Announcement.

Specific coordinates of the basepoints constituting the straight baseline for Area IV are stated in the document.

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